Sunday, 24 September 2006


A surprise trip for Dane's birthday in September saw us head to gay Pairs! Following Claudia's instructions to "meet me at Waterloo at 7pm" and having no idea what to expect. Thinking dinner out, Dane was very surprised to see Claudia there with bags packed, passport and tickets in hand, ready to depart for Paris! Sensational stuff.

Two hours later and the Eurostar had us in Paris!
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Emjoying wine and cheese at la Tour d'Eiffel...
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Paris, France.

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The building itself is amazing, let alone the countless pieces inside... we spent a good while here and only covered a fraction of the place.
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Like most, we did bee line it to the Mona Lisa... they actually have photo police who hunt down people taking photos of the lovely Mona and force them to delete their pictures. Naughty naughty.

Us inside the pyramid (a relatively new addition, still controversial with the locals).

The view inside...
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Strength in numbers. Gold.
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The Da Vinci Code's pyramids- the male and female symbols made famous by Dan Brown... a definite highlight with the tourists.
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Delights of Paris.


Dane loses a bet here - not believing Claudia's story of a spiral staircase that runs all the way up to the top.

Claudia 1, Dane Nil.
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Notre Dame... no hunchbacks in sight.

Deux cafés et les crêpes, s'il vous plaît.

We had an absolute blast in Paris - too much to do in a weekend - we'll have to go back....

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