Thursday, 30 March 2006


Last days...

Having spent 6 months living in the Rockies and with Winter nearly over, we made plans to leave our beloved Sunshine Village and road trip our way to Eastern Canada.

But before we left...


Delirium Dive is what makes Sunshine Village famous. It's an extreme bowl that you can only access by hiking across the right hand top ridge before dropping into the basin. You also can't get in without a partner and avalanche gear (beacon, shovel and probe). Finally we both 'did the dive' after borrowing some avi gear...

Crazy stuff. You can read about it at:

Delirium Dive conquered. Here she is in her intimidating beauty.
Canada Claudia and Dane

Claudia about to drop in...
Canada Claudia and Dane

Here's some amazing footage of the dive...

Last days at 'work'...

The Resort.
Canada Claudia and Dane

Dane and Nick hard at work.
Canada Claudia and Dane

Claudia even harder at work...


Of course living in the Rockies is going to be naturally beautiful, but it's the cliche that is so true - it's always the people that make the experience!

Staff Caf, Sunburst, the Gondola, Standish... and of course Trappers.

Thanks guys - big love and awesome memories.

The ultimate shot. You know who you are - and where... Algeria.
Canada Claudia and Dane
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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Canada Claudia and DaneCanada Claudia and Dane Canada Claudia and Dane
Canada Claudia and Dane
Canada Claudia and Dane

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