Sunday, 3 April 2005

Global Road Trippers... it begins

Essaouira, Morocco

Dane and I met in Australia at the end of 2004 and pretty much within six months decided to go travelling together. We started off in Canada, bought a van and with almost no money we started road tripping our way across North America.

There were no real plans when we left Australia except to see what happens. Since then we've snowboarded the Rockies, climbed the great wall of China, danced on the streets of Rio, caught the trans-Siberian and surfed our way down the Portuguese coast. More importantly though, we've met the most incredible, crazy, amazing people along the way.

Besides landing a one-time gig as travel presenters, we do have other 'careers' - Dane works in project management and I worked with the BBC in London and now in media in Sydney, but it's amazing how cheaply and how often you can travel if you really want to. Our poorest times have often been our most fun.

I hope our updates give you some idea of the incredible times we've had and maybe even inspire some random, crazy travel. We also try to throw in a few useful travel tips. If you'd like to get in touch it'd be great to hear from you - you can email us at or follow us on Twitter @GlobalTrippers

Claudia + Dane
Global Road Trippers

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